Introducing TigerSwap_Ex

In Summary: TIGERSWAP is saying why have billions & trillions of tokens worth $0.000000000003 when you can have a few tokens that could be worth $30,000 and above? Do you want to have high number of tokens at $0.0000000000000000003 price hoping it gets to $1 per token one day which rarely ever happens or might take forever to achieve or do you want at least just 1 token worth $30,000 and can keep rising higher because it has a high dollar value and price to it?

This is what TIGERSWAP is solving! Welcome to the revolution & next generation tokens on Binance smart Chain. In this documentation, you shall find everything you need to know about the project. Feel free to reach out for any questions & inquiries

We all love Uniswap v3! Our goal is to learn from them, re-invent the wheel, improve & introduce a similar innovation to the Binance Smart Chain Network with our own new & unique features for all LPs & holders of the $TIGERSWAP Governance Token. Here's some key points from Uniswap on v3:

By concentrating their liquidity, LPs can provide the same liquidity depth as v2 within specified price ranges while putting far less capital at risk. The capital saved can be held externally, invested in different assets, deposited elsewhere in DeFi, or used to increase exposure within the specified price range to earn more trading fees. Over 4,000x capital efficiency & yields

Read more Here

Diving In Further

Ready to meet us? Check out a video overview & Introduction to TigerSwap:

Good to know: TigerSwap is deflationary token and will be the official governance token of the TigerSwap_Ex platform. Holders of the token will not only be able to earn yields and rewards but also stand a chance to win great prices in upcoming lottery rounds, participate in voting rounds and earn passive income generates from the ecosystem

Tiger Games Official Demo

More interested in the Tiger games suite? Watch video below to meet the characters and have a sneak peak of what we are creating for the world.

Ready? Let's jump right in

Follow our handy guides to get started on the basics as quickly as possible:

What Does v3 AMM & Concentrated Liquidity Mean For Binance Smart Chain.Current Market SituationUSP & Industry Relevance

Recent Development: Team working to launch MVP & App Demo of Tiger Environment. Please look out for official announcement. MVP is not for public use yet but for team testing and development purposes.

Estimated Completion Date: Feb 25, 2022 - Launched

Recent Development: Team is working on the staking environment at the moment. Ownership of governance token contract has also been transferred to the masterchef contract allowing the masterchef contract only to be able to mint new tokens to provide rewards and incentives for staking, farming and other activities on the ecosystem for the benefits of holders.

Estimated Completion Date: April 20th, 2022 - Launched

Ongoing Development: TigerSwap v3 Lottery module development. This will enable holders of the Tiger token to stand a chance at winning great and amazing rewards from ecosystem activities. First rounds of rewards & give-aways will be anounced in due time.

Estimated Completion Date: Q4, 2022 - Ongoing

Ongoing Development: Tiger Launchpad will be open to highly scrutinized and revised projects and serve as an incubator for upcoming projects and launches.

Estimated Completion Date: Q4, 2022 - Ongoing

Next Milestone: Launch first round of app by enabling staking/farming & the opening of the app to the community and holders of the TigerSwap token so they can start earning rewards. Farm launch to be anounced by team. Interested? Get Whitelisted Here

For Investors & Holders: Dive a little deeper

Here, discover some of the important things you need to know about the TigerSwap Platform:

Project RoadmapToken Economics & AllocationHow We Compare & ForecastExchange Listings & How To Buy

Good to know: Our key objective is to have more zeros at the back than in the front when checking the prices of tokens on our portfolios. 1 token worth $3,000 is better that 300million tokens worth $35. Destroying the disparity between price and value on the Binance Samrt Chain Network by introducting low supply tokens with high demand utility and use-case. PS: 50% total supply burnt. All unsold tokens will be burnt! Join Us Today

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